Welcome to the fourth post in the Private Link Reality Bites series! Before we begin, let me recap the existing episodes of the series: Private Link […]
In this blog, you will learn how to leverage Azure OpenAI’s large language models to generate pull request descriptions based on the changes in your code. […]
Calling all Azure Local (formerly Azure Stack HCI) users! Take this 10-minute survey to give us your thoughts on running AKS Arc (Azure Kubernetes Service enabled […]
Welcome to the third post in the Private Link Reality Bites series! Big shoutout here to my esteemed colleague and oracle for Azure Networking Daniel Mauser. […]
As you may have seen on LinkedIn, throughout the months of January and February, myself and fellow blogger Jakub Fras will be posting every Friday on […]
Welcome to this new series of blog posts in which I will be explaining some not-so-well-known facts about Azure Private Link and some associated technologies! This […]
Sometimes, deploying a Bicep template using the preferred main.bicep method is not possible due to insufficient deployment permissions, especially when deploying across different subscriptions. This requires […]
Time-consuming meeting recordings and extracting key points can be a thing of the past. This Python-based solution uses Azure Open AI to automate the summarisation process […]
Fortinet firewall logs, when ingested into Sentinel’s `CommonSecurityLog` table, are billed at the Analytics tier rates. For organizations with high log volumes, this can result Continue […]