[Azure Updates] Announcing the public preview of two new metrics in Azure Storage, designed to provide users with enhanced visibility and insights into their object replication […]
[Azure Updates] We are announcing the general availability of Edit network features with no downtime for Azure NetApp Files volumes. Standard Network Features provide you with […]
[Azure Updates] Azure confidential ledger now allows you to deploy custom business logic written in JavaScript/TypeScript and take advantage of increased protection of data in memory […]
[Azure Updates] We are excited to announce the availability of the Azure Site Recovery (ASR) Pricing calculator. This new tool helps organizations estimate the total cost […]
[Azure Updates] We are excited to announce preview support to enable Trusted launch on existing Azure Gen1 VMs by upgrading the Gen1 VM to Gen2-Trusted launch. This will help improve the foundational security of […]
[Azure Updates] With Azure Virtual Network Manager, a central management service for your virtual network resources, you can easily manage your virtual networks’ connectivity, security, and […]
[Azure Updates] Fallback to internet on Private DNS Zones: New feature which unblocks adoption of a fully managed solution for Network Isolation and simplifies scenarios with […]
[Azure Updates] You can now configure Application Gateway, API Management, and Container Apps as Private Link-enabled origins in your Front Door Premium profile. Private Link-enabled origins […]
[Azure Updates] Announcing the general availability of Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for Azure DNS Public Zones. With this release you can now enable DNSSEC […]
[Azure Updates] We are excited to announce the release of an Amazon API Gateway integration for Azure API Center. This new feature allows customers to point […]
[Azure Updates] With WebSocket support, you can serve interactive and real-time applications, such as chat applications, live dashboards, and gaming platforms, with improved performance and reduced […]
[Azure Updates] Azure Key Vault Premium is now available in the China Region. This significant milestone marks the first time Azure Key Vault Premium, featuring FIPS […]