Introduction A quick blog to demonstrate a solution for enforcing that Log Analytic Workspaces in your environment are created with a daily quota property value set. […]
Once a SQL Managed Instance (SQL MI) is created, you can connect to the managed instance using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). There are 2 ways […]
I am currently working on implementing some monitoring solutions in a customer’s Azure environment. I only realised yesterday that Azure does not offer any built-in Azure […]
Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.3 has been supported by Azure Storage Accounts since January 2024. The ARM API for storage account now accepts TLS1_3 as […]
A common question about Azure Policy I frequently get asked during customer engagements is how can a user find out what restrictions are applied for a […]
I have previously blogged Using Azure Policy to create DNS records for Private Endpoints.. The problem with these policies are they are largely the same. If […]
Some SaaS products provide the ability to privately connect the service to your Azure environment using Azure Private Endpoints. In this scenario, often the SaaS provider […]