With the release of .NET 9.0, you might have noticed for ASP.NET Core Web Application templates in Visual Studio, we no longer have Swagger UI configured. […]
In this post let’s see how we can make use of PipelinePolicies in AzureOpenAIClient. Even though we specifically talk about AzureOpenAIClient in this post, the concept will be the […]
EF Core 9.0 (EF 9) introduced new methods UseSeeding and UseAsyncSeeding to seed the initial data. Let’s have a look at an example. Consider the following MyDbContext. public record Blog{ public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; 
I recently had a requirement where I want to add Custom Claims to the current user in a Blazor Web Application. I used IClaimsTransformation, but it doesn’t work […]
I recently faced an issue in one of the APIs where as part of importing OpenAPI to Azure APIM, it started throwing an error: “(ValidationError) Operation […]
Recently one of our .NET Isolated Azure Durable Functions got switched to use Netherite as its storage provider and suddenly all the integration tests started to fail […]
With ASP.NET Core 9.0, we have access to a new Caching API: HybridCache, and it’s designed to replace both IDistributedCache and IMemoryCache. Let’s go through with an example […]